Although my beloved sister is the main contributor of this blog, from time to time, I have put in my thoughts with regard to mission. I felt it appropriate now to share with you my upcoming mission trip to Nicaragua. I will be traveling with Notre Dame Seminary as one of the leaders in an annual mission trip for all of the first year theologians from that seminary. I will use this blog in the next 8 days as a vehicle for my thoughts and ideas about the trip, about the nature of mission, and about the missionary nature of the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
I will have limited access to the internet. Hopefully, I will be able to post daily, but at least every other day.
I already have some thoughts in mind and hope that you will humour (sometimes I like British spelling) me.
Please pray for all of us. We will encounter many people, rich and poor, blind and lame, young and old, faithful and athiest.
The name of the trip is called Acompaño, which translated into English is "I accompany," or "I walk with." We are there to show the people of Nicaragua that as members of the same Catholic Church and the Body of Christ we walk with them daily. As member of the United States of America, we walk with them in global solidarity, to provide for their basic needs of food and shelter but also love and friendship. We walk with them on the mutual journey towards heaven, our heavenly homeland that transcends place, culture, and language. Heaven brings all together in the ultimate act, the worship and glory of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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